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E137: With Football Manager 2024 announced, it's time to start wrapping up Football Manager 2023
It's been a big week for Football Manager fans.The game's 2024 edition just got a release date - 6 November - there are competitions for copies flying all over the place, save reveals are happening, Twitter (X) is tearing apart the launch trailer to look for any hidden details that might give something away and pre-orders are open via Steam with early access included for the beta release once more.While all that's going on, we've got to wrap up season 11 of the podcast and close the door on what's become a split season between England and Germany - remember Shane getting booted from Old Trafford? So we're in the final days of life at Liverpool and Hoffenheim, one Premier League title wrapped up and Champions League football assured while a European dalliance for Hoffenheim isn't beyond a mathematical possibility.It's a sweary one, it's the end of the road following a long slog of a season but it's another fresh episode of The Football Manager Football Show just for your ears. Say hello on X @fmfshow, @tacticalmanager or @sirsok1. Contains strong language.