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Emotional Safety in Marriage
When a husband betrays his wife’s trust through sexual acting out, this can cause feelings of deep insecurity to arise in a wife – even to the point of feeling unsafe. In today’s episode, we will discuss the topic of emotional safety in marriage and why this is often befuddling to many husbands (and men in general) and offer a few ideas on how to create safer emotional spaces for the healing and restoration of marriages broken by sexual betrayal. (As a side note, this topic is helpful for any marriage!)This conversation was sparked by a conference Stephen went to by Focus on the Family. They built this topic around the book by authors Paul, Burbee, and Arnzen, entitled Restoring Hope: An Integrative Approach to Marital Therapy (link below).More Resources:Restoring Hope bookHope Restored Marriage IntensiveDoctorMarriage.orgRelated Podcasts:The Need for Boundaries After BetrayalHelping Men Understand a Woman's Grief ProcessHelping Couples Walk the Path of Restoration After Sexual Betrayal----------Please rate and review our podcast: Apple PodcastsSubscribe to our YouTube channel.<br/><br/>Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/pure-sex-radio/donations