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Enchanted Episode 3 - Singing to angels & transcending perfectionism
In this episode, Rafaëlle speaks about the intense activation of the current times, and the particular event that happened during her prayer ritual one morning... It involves singing to angels and experiencing the transcendence of all the perfectionism stories during the song.As usual, there is a song transmission at the end.
Rafaëlle is here for any requests or questions:Follow Rafaëlle on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rafaelle.cohen/Become a member of Rafaëlle’s enchanted e-mail list :www.rafaellecohen.com
Money love: https://enchanted.captivate.fm/support
Liberate your voice with Rafaëlle: Meet Your True Voice Masterclass : https://knowthybliss.thinkific.....com/courses/meet-yo
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