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EP. 01 | Colleen Ballinger
In the highly anticipated Season 2 premiere of "Doxxed: The Podcast," hosts Jane and Roxy dive into the intricate web of controversial influencer culture, exploring a recent scandal surrounding Colleen Ballinger, a prominent online personality. This episode unpacks the controversy and sheds light on the psychology behind parasocial relationships, grooming allegations, and the impact of cancel culture.Jane and Roxy kick off the episode by providing listeners with an overview of the scandal that engulfed Colleen Ballinger's career. Perhaps best known for playing the popular YouTube character, Miranda Sings, Colleen faced allegations of grooming and exploiting her underage fans, sparking outrage across social media platforms.With the Colleen Ballinger scandal as a case study, Jane and Roxy delve into the motives and psychological factors that may drive an influencer to engage in grooming behavior and the potential repercussions for their followers. The conversation also addresses the ethical responsibilities influencers bear when it comes to their young and impressionable audiences, as well as responsibilities of the audiences themselves.As the episode concludes, Jane and Roxy encourage their audience to reflect on the Colleen Ballinger scandal and consider the broader implications it holds for influencer culture. They set the stage for an enlightening season ahead, promising deeper explorations into the complex world of online personalities and the impact they have on their audiences.#DoxxedThePodcast #Tiktok #SocialMedia #ColleenBallinger #MirandaSings #CancelCulture #ToxicGossipTrainwww.doxxedthepodcast.com