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Ep. 116: NL Central Race, Rays 50, Arráez's .400, The Worry Game
On this week's episode, the boys talk the Reds' take over of the NL Central. This leads to a larger discussion about how the NL Central is one of baseball's weakest divisions. Over in the AL East, the Tampa Bay Rays are the first team in the entire league to reach 50 wins. And the fact that they're doing it with a lower payroll without household names is nothing short of astonishing. Could they have a rival in Baltimore, though? Speaking of dominance, Luis Arráez has been flirting with a .400 batting average all season. Could he reach Ted Williams' famed .406 record from 1941? The boys weigh in. There are several teams we can now officially say fans should be worried for. But how worried should they be? The boys play the worry game this week. Afterwards, they round out the show with Fantasy Factory and Collection Corner.