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Ep. 48 - Utility NFTs & Infra for Mass Adoption w. Carolin Geier, co-founder @ Mintbase
Wide ranging conversation with Carolin Geier, co-founder at Mintbase and one of the five NEAR Community Treasury Trustees. This podcast is a short one but packed with goodies where we come, among other things:* The beginning: from German Parliament researching 'Distributed Ledger Technology' to meeting Nate working on Blockchain and NFTs.
* Changing landscape from lots of talks and unfulfilled promises in 2018 to today
* Role of Mintbase in NEAR - infra enabling many other projects to build on top.
* Challenges of Decentralisation: from Createbase to Community Treasury
* and more...! ResourcesMintbase Website - https://www.mintbase.xyzMintbase Demo Day (Youtube) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6Eoy9YP86A
Mintbase Demo Day (Medium) - https://medium.com/mintbase/wr....apping-up-mintbases- on SocialsCarolin - https://twitter.com/carolinwend
Mintbase - https://twitter.com/mintbase
AVB - https://twitter.com/avbnear