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Ep.53 - Isiah Thomas Part 2 - The Agee and Gates Podcast
He was the 2nd overall pick in the 1981 NBA Draft, a 12 time NBA All-Star, a 2 x NBA Champ with the Detroit Pistons and a Member of the Basketball Hall of Fame, Mr. Isiah Lord Thomas III, joins hosts Will Gates and Arthur Agee to talk about his origin story. Isiah takes the hosts back to his days growing up on the Westside of Chicago, playing for Coach Bobby Knight and the Indiana Hoosiers, to his incredible run in the NBA with the Detroit Pistons. The guys talk Chuck Daly, Michael Jordan and the Dream Team controversy and about his post playing career. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. Listen, Download & Subscribe on Apple, Spotify and YouTube.
Hosted by Will Gates and Arthur Agee
Produced by Matt Hoffar
Written by Matt Hoffar, Will Gates and Arthur Agee
An Unlearning Network Production