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EP263: Teaching Everyday Hairdressers to Colour with Confidence… Meet Emma Fowler
Meet Emma Fowler: An award-winning colourist who over the last 2 years has gone from a relatively unknown to becoming one of the UK’s top independent colour educators. All achieved whilst raising two young children! So how has she done it? Emma has grown a loyal and committed community of hairdressers who are looking to gain confidence in the new era of modern colouring techniques like Balayage. Her story to becoming such a highly regarded educator is inspiring. We’ll hear all about this in todays episode. It’s no fluke for where Emma is in her career today. She has certainly earned her stripes as a leading hair colour educator. She has been educating for most of her hairdressing career. Starting as an in-salon trainer, then working for two of the leading brands before moving onto her own independent education. Based in in her studio in Essex, UK for in person education, Emma is also founder of ‘The Community’ – the ultimate membership for Hairdressers and runs online colour courses, too. We get some valuable lessons today from Emma’s forthcoming ‘The Colour Confidence Programme’, a 12 module online course designed to help the everyday hairdresser feel confident in their colour work behind the chair. For all you everyday hairdressers, you’ll want to listen from one of your very own – an everyday hairdresser just like you! Her story and teachings are powerful on what you can successfully achieve, whether working behind the chair or becoming an independent educator. A podcast produced by How To Cut It Podcasts Thanks for Listening To share your thoughts: Leave a note in the comment section below.<br /> Ask a question by emailing me HERE<br /> Share this show on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. To help out the show: Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.<br /> Subscribe on iTunes.<br /> Follow on Spotify.<br /> Subscribe by Email. Thank you to Emma Fowler for joining me on todays podcast. Until next time Howtocutter’s, Peace, Love and Smiles all the way… Goodbye.