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EP264: Why Great Lengths is Leading the Way as a Responsible & Sustainable Company, with Vicky Demetriou
Always going beyond Great Lengths. These words communicate Great Lengths commitment to work constantly to improving the environmental and social impact, while maintaining the care and dedication invested in the research of high-quality products for their customers. In the second of our collaborative podcast series with Great Lengths UKI, I’m so excited to learn why and how Great Lengths have become the first company in the extension industry worldwide to achieve a B Corp certification (more to come on this), by having a philosophy that’s respecting the needs and values of the world. Helping us understand all of this and more, I’m to be joined today guest, Great Lengths UKI Elite and one of the UK’s leading hair extensions expert, Vicky Demetriou. Vicky was described by British Vogue as ‘the best in the business when it comes to natural looking, perfectly colour matched hair extensionist’, so it’s fair to say that Vicky knows her stuff when it comes to using hair extensions. For Vicky, having hair that’s not only the highest of quality, but is responsibly sourced and produced hair are hugely important to align with her own sustainable values. You’ll hear all about this in our conversation, along with how Great Lengths are continually investing in renewing their Italian production centre that reduces energy impact and CO2 emissions. As mentioned, Great Lengths are a B Corp. But what does it mean to be a B-Corp? In short, becoming a B Corp is a journey of responsibility towards the planet. We are diving deep into this conversation in todays brilliant podcast episode! Check it out! Thanks for Listening Todays podcast is brought to you by Great Lengths Produced by Hairy Media Productions for How To Cut It Podcasts To share your thoughts: Leave a note in the comment section below.<br /> Ask a question by emailing me HERE<br /> Share this show on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. To help out the show: Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.<br /> Subscribe on iTunes.<br /> Follow on Spotify.<br />