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Episode 143: Looks like we got ourselves a reader
This week, we felt like there wasn’t a ton of video game stuff to talk about, so we tried to do a movie commentary track for Dredd. The jank, however, is strong, and put the kibosh on that whole plan. But hey, it turned out we actually had a lot of stuff to talk about. We dive further into why David feels nothing after finishing Final Fantasy XVI, we talk about Ghost Trick’s brilliance, and we chat about how the Pikmin 4 demo represents some of the best (and worst) qualities Nintendo offers. If you’re not backing us yet, head on over to our Patreon. A contribution of at least $5 a month will get you let you listen to the show a day early, give you access to the exclusive Continue Podcast Discord channel, along with exclusive podcast content. Hosts: Susan Arendt (@susanarendt) Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello) David Roberts (@davidrobots) Produced by Bill Segroves (@tarrydiggs). Intro music by Andy P. Scott: https://soundcloud.com/epic1beatz