Episode 29: Motorcycles and the Kindness of Strangers

0 Views· 08/26/23
Peace Love Moto - The Podcast

I think I know you.  Yep, I'm pretty sure that I know you.  You’ll talk to a stranger.  You’ll ask someone parked on the side of a lonely road if they need help.  When you see a little kid looking through the car window at you on your motorcycle, you’ll wave and you love to see that kid’s smile as they wave back and tell mom and dad about you.In today’s episode, we’ll talk about why being kind to strangers is so important to the entire motorcycling community.  We’ll describe forms of kindness, different ways of showing that motorcycle riders are really good people, and then we’ll talk about why your actions as a rider, really impact all of us all.  Hum,... a lot to think about.  Thank you for joining me today!<br/>

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