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Episode 32: Canary Whiskers: Fragrance-Free Soap. A conversation with Rebecca, Canary Whiskers founder.
Episode 32 of The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast is available now! <br/> https://www.chemicalsensitivitypodcast.org/<br/> <br/> Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.<br/> <br/> This episode is called “Canary Whiskers: Fragrance-Free Soap.”<br/> <br/> It features a conversation with Rebecca, founder of Canary Whiskers Soap Company that makes completely fragrance-free and essential oil-free, cold-process soap for people with MCS. You’ll hear Rebecca share how:· She started Canary Whiskers because she couldn’t find soap that didn’t make her unwell. · Canary Whiskers soap is different than most other “fragrance-free” soap.· Canary Whiskers helps make MCS more visible.· She is trying to access fragrance-free healthcare, something many listeners can relate to. Find out more about Canary Whiskers.<br/>Support the showIf you like the podcast, please consider becoming a supporter!<br/>Thank you very much! Support the podcast. Find the podcast on Patreon. If you like, please buy me a coffee.<br/><br/> Follow the podcast on YouTube! Read captions in any language. Follow for all updates on social media:<br/>Facebook<br/>Twitter<br/>Instagram<br/>TikTok<br/><br/><br/>The Chemical Sensitivity and its associated website are made possible with grant funds awarded to Aaron Goodman by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) under the KPU 0.6% Faculty PD Fund. With the exception of Aaron Goodman as the creator of the Podcast, neither KPU, its directors, officers and employees operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast and associated website. The content, opinions, findings, statements, and recommendations expressed in The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast and associated website do not necessarily reflect the official views of KPU or the students of KPU.