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Episode 33 - Overcoming Self-Doubt: Strategies to Pursue Your Dreams with Confidence
Are you ready to learn the strategies you can use to overcome self-doubt in order to pursue your dreams confidently?Our guest this week is Andrea Tessier, Master Life Coach. In our conversation, we dive in deep on all things self-doubt - what it is, why we have it, and most importantly all her secrets on how to start to heal your own self-doubt.We explore how societal conditioning influences our choices, particularly for women, and the importance of undoing this conditioning to become our own authority. We discuss how self-doubt triggers fear in our brains and why getting into our bodies is essential for making better decisions and reducing overthinking.So get ready to challenge your doubts, quiet the noise in your mind, and tap into your own intuition in this empowering episode![00:02:23] Andrea's Journey - burned out, made the decision to quit.[00:07:42] Unplanned journey leads to listening to intuition.[00:10:59] Become your authority and choose your path in life.[00:13:43] Overcoming fear and doubt to pursue our dreams.[00:16:40] Why we have self-doubt and how to overcome it.[00:20:26] The importance of being aware of your body; feel it.[00:25:43] Doubt comes from a place of love. [00:27:25] How to regain empowerment and self-direction.Connect with Andrea:https://www.instagram.com/tessier.andrea/Connect with Loree:https://www.linkedin.com/in/lo....ree-philip/https://w