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Episode 4: How Do We Explain the Mysteries of the Night Sky?
At this time of year as nights become longer, we often shift our attention to the beautiful sky overhead and wonder about the stars, galaxies, universe and beyond. In this episode, Wren and Sydney speak with Leo Bird, a science educator, about how the Blackfeet People have explained the night sky. He relates a story about “A Girl who Marries a Star.” Then Miles, Audrey, and Joy pepper Dr. Samuel Singer with many questions about our amazing universe. Kelly SchoolThis season's podcast follows Mrs. Lowenfel's 4th and 5th Grade Class at Kelly School in Teton County Wyoming. The kids had many questions for our experts and lots to share about the American West. This episode features Joy, Audrey, Wren, and Miles. Leo Bird Leo Bird is a science educator for 23 years at Browning High School, Browning, Montana. His work in Bilingual education and Indian education for all (IEFA) , has earned him the Montana Indian Education Association (MIEA’s )Teacher of the Year award. He has also been awarded The Milken Family Foundation National Educator of the Year for his work on a first ever high school inquiry chemistry text and cowrote two books on Astronomy, “Blackfeet Skies” and “Montana Skies, Blackfeet Astronomy”. His belief is culturally responsive inquiry teaching helps to build relationships with the students.Leo is a father, grandfather, society leader, educator, veteran of US Army, consultant, as well as a lifelong learner. Leo has a BA in Biology and Broadfield Science education degree from the University of Montana. Dr. Samuel SingerDr. Samuel Singer is the founder and Executive Director at Wyoming Stargazing, which is a non-profit that educates people about astronomy and tries to make the complex concepts accessible to everyone. He grew up in Nevada where he first fell in love with the night sky. Samuel went on to study Physics and Astronomy at Hampshire College in Massachusetts before coming to Wyoming for his graduate work. He has been recognized by NASA as a volunteer Solar System Ambassador, as well as by the IGES and NASA in their Top Stars program for an astronomy lesson plan he wrote. Samuel currently splits his time between Jackson, Wyoming and Boulder Creek, California. Explore More For additional information, vocabulary definitions, activities, and more click here! Transcript Why? Why? Why? What is your story about the night sky? Why? Why? Why? What is a black hole? Welcome to the Kids Ask Why podcast where the kids ask the questions! Kids Ask Why is a production of Wyoming Public Media and Buffalo Bill Center of the West. This season the podcast is following my fourth and fifth grade classroom from Kelly School in Teton County, Wyoming. We have lots of questions and lots to share about the American West. Joy: Hi, Audrey, why are you interested in the night sky? And what grade are you in? Where are you from? Audrey: I'm in fourth grade. I'm from Jackson. And I'm interested in the night sky because I want to learn if there's lots of other things out there. And if there's other people just like us. Wren, tell us about yourself and why you are interested. Wren: I'm Wren. I live in Kelly, Wyoming. I'm in fourth grade. And I think I am interested in the night sky and space is because I want to be an astronaut when I grow up. And I've just always been interested in how the universe got here and how it, just all of it, I guess. Sydney, tell us a little bit about yourself. Sydney: I am Sydney and I like space because it's so cool that every night I just look at the stars. Miles, tell a little about yourself, and where you are from. Miles: I am in fifth grade at Kelly Elementary in Wyoming. I was gonna put a bad pun here, but I didn't have time to “plan-et”. Joy, tell us a little bit about yourself. Joy: Hi, I’m Joy and I live in Jacks