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Episode 57: Live Hacking Event Inside Scoop - H1-305
Episode 57: In this episode of Critical Thinking - Bug Bounty Podcast, Justin and Joel are live from Miami, and recap their experience and share takeaways from the live hacking event. They highlight the importance of paying attention to client-side routing and the growing bug class of client-side path traversal. They also discuss the challenges of knowing when to cut your losses and the value of tracking time and setting goals. Follow us on twitter at: @ctbbpodcastWe're new to this podcasting thing, so feel free to send us any feedback here: info@criticalthinkingpodcast.ioShoutout to YTCracker for the awesome intro music!------ Links ------Follow your hosts Rhynorater & Teknogeek on twitter: Ways to Support CTBBPodcast ------Sign up for Caido using the referral code CTBBPODCAST for a 10% discount. Hop on the CTBB Discord at!We also do Discord subs at $25, $10, $5 - premium subscribers get access to private masterclasses, exploits, tools, scripts, un-redacted bug reports, etc. Timestamps:(00:00:00) Introduction(00:03:50) Miami LHE Recap and Takeaways(00:05:57) Keeping time and cutting losses.(00:19:07) Roles and Goals(00:23:33) OAuth(00:28:52) HTML5 image to img Tip