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Episode #75, Danny "Dr. 47" Phillips
Yo!This was one for the ages.Having being fortunate enough to be invited up to Sk8bar in St. Joe, I gladly accepted and -- while there -- was able to connect with Danny "Dr. 47" Phillips to record Episode # 75 of Badass Records podcast.Such a challenge. So much fun. So worth it.Seriously.I didn't know how I would attempt to make myself comfortable in someone else's space. I didn't know if I'd know how to set up all of the gear once I'd taken it apart for the first time, and I didn't know how I'd do (at all) attempting to conduct an interview beneath all of those details.But, alas...the stress and the anxiety were completely unwarranted.Brandon and Jesse welcomed me into their home away from home, and Danny was a gracious host/guest.He was every bit of (unsolicited) awesome as advertised, and was quick to quell the worries of my brain that a booker/promoter for a live-music venue would feel too busy to be participating in an interview for a podcast.And, the chat was -- in my mind -- perfect.We talked a little bit about the ol' life thing. The work thing. The...just...you know...doin' it thing. And of course we talked about a few of Danny's favorite records.He gave me a substantial list, and -- for shits and giggles -- I broke it in half.Here's what that looked like:List A:Sticky Fingers (1971), The Rolling StonesFleetwood Mac's Rumours (1977)Outlandos d'Amour (1978), The PoliceThe Lemonheads's It's a Shame About Ray (1992)Siamese Dream (1993), Smashing PumpkinsNirvana's In Utero (1993)A.M. (1995), WilcoList B:At Folsom Prison (1968), Johnny CashBig Star's #1 Record (1972)My Aim Is True (1977), Elvis CostelloThe Ramones's Rocket to Russia (1977)Last Splash (1993), The BreedersBad Religion's Stranger Than Fiction (1994)In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (1998), Neutral Milk HotelIf you want to get a hold of Danny for band-booking purposes, here are what I believe to be the best ways:1) Contact Sk8bar -- either via the landline (after 5:00 p.m. Central) at 816-689-0507 or via Facebook.2) Holler at Danny either via his Instagram or his Facebook page.3) You can also find him on Twitter, if you please, but, I digress...My chat with Dr. 47 was fantastic. Please consider giving it a view or a listen. Please check out Sk8bar, and please check out the Merch' store on the podcast's Web site. Even a sticker purchase helps.Anyhoo...as Jamal a.k.a. Jamel says, "Be kind, be good to each other, and help keep great music alive."At least that's what I think he says.Thanks for stopping by.copyright disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the promo or the intro/outro audio. They are clips from a tune called, "Terrapin Station Medley" by the Grateful Dead off of their 1977 album, Terrapin Station (c/o Grateful Dead Productions. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company).