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Episode 78: Jeepers Creepers! It's Dennis DePue
This true crime case was the (unofficial) inspiration for the opening scene of 2001 film, Jeepers Creepers. Once you learn a little more about the events witnessed by couple Ray and Marie Thornton on Easter Sunday of 1990 in Cold Water, Michigan, it's not hard to see why it inspired a scene from a gruesome horror movie. They didn't know it at the time but they had witnessed the aftermath of the violent murder of Marilynn DePue by her ex-husband Dennis DePue.WE HAVE LIVE SHOW NEWS!More details to come but we will be hosting a live episode of The Grim Curriculum on December 9th 2023 at Felice Cafe, Edmonton. Stay tuned!!Have a case you'd like us to cover on the show? Email us at thegrimcurriculum@gmail.comSupport us by checking out our TGC Merch, Patreon & Social Media Links: https://linktr.ee/thegrimcurriculum