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Episode 85: Jim Traficant Part I - Welcome to Crimetown, USA!
We’re traveling all the way to Youngstown, Ohio this week to bring you all the hot goss on Fraudster, Jim Traficant. But context is everything, so before we get to the complicated Ohio Congressman, Seena goes over some history and how the rust belt got RUSTY, with the help of our guest, Senator Bob Hagan. Jim Traficant aka Jimbo, was a star college quarterback who could’ve played in the NFL, but instead somehow became the Sheriff of the Mahoning Valley. This man lived quite the life– he was indicted for racketeering, caught in a bribery scheme involving the Pittsburgh and Cleveland mob, and later caught in a civil case against the IRS for - you guessed it - not paying his taxes. Against all odds, he went on to become a Congressman. Nevertheless, he persisted!!<br />We’re traveling all the way to Youngstown, Ohio this week to bring you all the hot goss on Fraudster, Jim Traficant. But context is everything, so before we get to the complicated Ohio Congressman, Seena goes over some history and how the rust belt got RUSTY, with the help of our guest, Senator Bob Hagan. Jim Traficant aka Jimbo, was a star college quarterback who could’ve played in the NFL, but instead somehow became the Sheriff of the Mahoning Valley. This man lived quite the life– he was indicted for racketeering, caught in a bribery scheme involving the Pittsburgh and Cleveland mob, and later caught in a civil case against the IRS for - you guessed it - not paying his taxes. Against all odds, he went on to become a Congressman. Nevertheless, he persisted!!<br />Follow The Show: <br />Twitter: https://twitter.com/fraudstersLPN<br />Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fraudsterslpn/<br />Discord: https://discord.gg/WRZ8zgusPT<br />Website: https://fraudsters.fm/<br /><br />Follow the Hosts: https://twitter.com/seenanow<br />https://www.instagram.com/justin_williams_comedy<br />https://twitter.com/arielleaty <br /><br />YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQwl8sDTVEAxhwJdYgm-yrgIntro <br />Music Credit and Sound Fx:https://twitter.com/gograntgordon<br />Season Cover Art by:https://comedyartwork.com/<br /><br />Video links:<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPI8nwPQRVU<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WplyOgCeyEg<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gukT_aKSXWM<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivGFfw3gqGg<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEAB9yXrkH8<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNip2ZamrMc&t=1s<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZD9RtNEOok<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8IHjEMdUiM<br />https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5074571/user-clip-nixon-trade-china<br />