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Episode 99: Reality of Transitioning Affiliates to Paid Partnerships + Should you be on Tiktok Shops (with Sonia Elyss)
This episode is a wild ride: Sonia and Harley take on a couple nuanced topics where Brands and Creators tend to sit on different sides of the argument. Who should be using Tiktok Shops (regardless of the fact that you are signing away your usage rights)? Can you avoid a platform because you don't stand behind their ethics? What should brands expect from their affiliates? and how can you craft an indisputable argument to transition from commission-based pay to payment per post? Who are you siding with??--Find Harley:IG: @theharleyjordan
Code BRANDMEETCREATOR for 10% off Do Less Club
Website: theharleyjordan.comFind Sonia:
IG: @Sonia.Elyss
Website: www.soniaelyss.com
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