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Field Days, Ultra Early Wheat & Our Starting Line Plus Seed Treatment
Watch the video version here: https://youtu.be/kIGsdW9dVog<br/>On this episode:<br/>🌱Have you ever been to a Merschman Seeds Field Day? We chat about where we’ve traveled to this week across the Midwest and how crops are looking from Nebraska to Illinois. <br/>🌱Wheat calls are amping up! Don’t miss an opportunity to buy ultra early wheat and improve your double crop experience!<br/>🌱Joe and Ben chat about how our Starting Line Plus seed treatment with Saltro and Trunemco can help protect your yield. <br/><br/>Flip through the Merschman Seeds 2024 Product Guide: https://merschmanseeds.com/product-guide<br/><br/>Check out all of our social media links, website, Blue Water Outlook and more:<br/>https://linktr.ee/merschmanseeds