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Finding Your Purpose
Every now and then, we find ourselves on a quest to unearth our purpose in life. The journey can be overwhelming, leaving us adrift in a sea of uncertainty. But here's the twist: purpose isn't something we stumble upon, it's something we craft. It's a decision born from the depths of our souls, shaped by the tapestry of our experiences, values, and desires. Join me as we dive into the uncharted waters of self-discovery, where patience, courage, and introspection await. Are you ready to embark on this transformative voyage, where the answer to your purpose lies within your own hands?The key moments in this episode are:00:01:30 - Simplifying the Search for Purpose, 00:04:39 - Exercises for Finding Purpose, 00:08:29 - No Justification Needed, 00:11:10 - Trista's PurposeConnect with me here:Instagram | TristavguertinFacebookwww.tristaguertin.com<br/>Schedule a free private coaching session with me:https://tristaguertincoachingsession.as.me/Please Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple PodcastsIf you haven't already done so, follow the podcast so you don't miss an episode.