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From Coal to Climate, VC Channel Sales Partners, LP Sentiment & More w/ Albert Bielinko (Telstra Ventures)
In this episode, Silas Mahner (@silasmahner) speaks w/ Albert Bielinko (@bielinko) a Partner at Telstra Ventures. Albert leads their CT investments and speaks to us today about many things, from how he started in coal to end up in climate. How they have helped their portfolio companies generate over $450m USD in sales through their channel partnerships. What the LP sentiment on CTVC is and his thoughts on the talent landscape? <br/><br/>This is full of quite a lot of value. <br/><br/>Enjoy the Episode! 🌎<br/><br/>📺 👀 Prefer to watch: subscribe on YouTube.<br/><br/>📫 Interested in written summaries and takeaways from the episode? Subscribe to the newsletter. <br/><br/>Want to be part of the community and engage further? Check out the Slack Channel. https://tinyurl.com/mwkn8zk5<br/><br/>----- <br/>Topics: <br/>**2:07 Intro to Albert & Telstra Ventures<br/>**4:49 TV's Remit<br/>**7:59 How CT VC landscape has changed since 2014<br/>**12:31 Raising funds<br/>**18:29 Investment Thesis<br/>**27:53 VCs w/ Sales Channels<br/>**33:18 Investment Criteria<br/>**35:45 How to determine TAM in new spaces<br/>**39:51 LPs expectations for hardware vs software returns<br/>**42:03 LP sentiment on CTVC<br/>**45:29 Talent Landscape<br/>**50:00 What's Next in CT<br/>**53:07 Closing <br/><br/>----- <br/>Links: <br/>**Albert on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/albert-bielinko-4070a729/<br/>**Telstra Ventures: https://telstraventures.com/<br/>**Check out our Sponsor, NextWave Partners: <br/>**Follow CleanTechies on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clean-techies/<br/>**HMU on Twitter: @silasmahner<br/><br/>----- <br/>Other episodes you might enjoy:<br/>**Most Recent Episode: Sawdust to Chemicals; Building a BioChemical Startup w/ Julie Kring (Khepra)<br/>**Similar Topic: How Keyframe is Bridging the Gap from Pure VC to Pure PE Financing for Hard Tech COs w/ Ethan Goldsmith<br/>**Something Totally Different: Reducing Operating Costs & While Taking Higher Rents in Commercial Real Estate, the Green Building Effect w/ Edi Demaj (KODE Labs)Support the showWe are proud to continue working with NextWave as our official show sponsor for this podcast. NextWave and all of its staff are highly motivated to advance the ClimateTech revolution and are constantly innovating ways that they can help affect that transition. From experts in the talent space to ESG experts, NextWave is taking on Climate and Social responsibility head-on and helping companies build great cultures that not only make the world a better place but also increase workplace satisfaction. Reach out to NextWave Partners today to learn more about how we might partner with you today. https://www.next-wavepartners.com/ / info@next-wavepartners.com