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Gambling on sports issue in MMA & Jiri Prochazka has just relinquished his title before UFC282
Big news in the sports world during this Thanksgiving week in America. Jiri gets hurt and forfeits belt over so Blachowicz vs. Ankalaev now will duel it of for the hardware. Ankalaev will be looking to add another UFC champion to add to Islam Makhachev' s and to Usman Nurmagomedov's Bellator crown. Sports Gambling on fights from fighters and coaches has raised concerns lately, and i dive into it. (My apologies already for the hurtful rant on a certain President at sponsoring, deeply sorry) I dont know why but this is a law that i thought Pete Rose has been the spokesperson of for like 40 years and hes still not allowed in Cooperstown even as the all-time hits leader in MLB. Sorry as well for the speal rant on a fight I want next year with guy who is so great at abruptly walking away from wrestling. (All in good fun obviously)#Sports #UFC282 #Satire #Baseball