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Gilded Social: Columbus, OH Bridal Shop & Styling
Meet Tanya Hartman, she is the owner of Gilded Social. <br/><br/>Hanna met Tanya a few years ago and they just clicked. Hanna has provided makeup and hair for Tanya many times, Tanya has helped Hanna pick out the perfect dress for a branding session in Paris & they have supported each other's dreams and goals along the way. <br/><br/>Gilded Social is a designer bridal gown boutique with locations in Columbus and Granville, Ohio. They specialize in couture made-to-order order + consignment wedding dresses and off-the-rack bridesmaids, mother of the bride, and flower girl dresses.Their mission is to make your bridal gown buying and wearing experience the best EVER. Shopping for a dress with them is just the beginning.<br/><br/>In 2021, they established their bridal collection and knew right away that they wanted to host Brides outside the hustle and bustle of the city. Their collection lived in a pop up shop at the Buxton Inn in Granville, Ohio before they finally found their permanent home in 2022 on Elm Street, just a couple of blocks away in Granville’s historic district.<br/><br/>Gilded Social is beautiful, it's an experience unlike anything else. <br/><br/>You can find them on social media @shopgildedsocial<br/>Their website is: https://www.shopgildedsocial.com/<br/><br/>