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Ginger Hardage: How to Build an Unstoppable Culture
In this episode, I am talking with Ginger Hardage. Ginger retired as Senior Vice President of Culture and Communications at Southwest Airlines after an illustrious 25 years where she served as a member of the CEO’s executive team. Currently, she leads Unstoppable Cultures, a brand designed to help organizations create and sustain cultures of enduring greatness. Check out the episode to learn how to really understand what your employees and customers want, drive a culture of engagement, and prepare for an opposing viewpoint. I hope you enjoy. Additional Resources:► Follow Communispond on LinkedIn for more communication skills tips: https://www.linkedin.com/company/communispond<br />► Connect with Scott D'Amico on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottdamico/<br />► Connect with Ginger Hardage on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gingerhardage<br />► Subscribe to the podcast: https://communicast.simplecast.com/<br />► Download the ProSpeak® app. Providing users with instant feedback on presentation and communication skills.<br />- Apple: https://apple.co/3jTJbqe