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Give Them Lala And More!
Adam and Jason welcome Vanderpump Rules star, Lala Kent. Lala shares with us her journey on reality TV, her hit podcast ‘Give Them Lala’ and motherhood. Plus, Lala explains how Lisa Vanderpump has given her immense opportunities and why she decided to be sober. Find out what she’s looking forward to in Season 10 of Bravo’s hit show, Vanderpump Rules.<br/>Check out Give Them Lala Beauty/Skin<br/>https://givethemlala.comFollow Lala on Instagram!<br/>https://www.instagram.com/lalakent/Listen to the Give Them Lala podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/give-them-lala/id1494722390<br/>Subscribe to the Hot Messy Podcast YouTube - https://YouTube.com/hotmessypodcastSubscribe to Up And Adam! On YouTube - https://YouTube.com/upandadamliveFollow us on Instagram - https://instagram.com/hotmessypodcast<br/> <br/> Join our conversation by sending your questions, comments or topics to info@hotmessypodcast.com<br/>Frontier Gentleman
Herewith an Englishman’s account of life and death in the West. As a reporter for the...
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