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Guest: Bobby Miller, a.k.a. Humblefish
Rappin' With ReefBum is a LIVE talk show with host Keith Berkelhamer and guests from the reef keeping community. In this episode I chat with Bobby Miller, a.k.a. Humblefish. Bobby has been in the saltwater aquarium hobby since 1978. Being in the hobby for so long has provided him the opportunity to keep just about every type of marine system possible. In addition, Bobby has worked in retail, maintenance and most recently owned & operated "HumbleFish Aquatics" which sold quarantined, conditioned saltwater fish. Around 15 years ago Bobby decided to devote himself to the fish disease & treatment aspect of our hobby, and this is considered his area of expertise. He also owns & operates Humble.Fish & Reef Community, an aquarium forum which is dedicated to helping fellow hobbyists.