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Guest: Sunny Harajly, Reefsite.com
Rappin' With ReefBum is a LIVE talk show with host Keith Berkelhamer and guests from the reef keeping community. In this episode I chat with Sunny Harajly.Sunny has been reefing for 25+ years. His systems have always favored carbon dosing and the leveraging of bacteria for coral growth. He started experimenting with carbon dosing back in 2004 and around 2007 he helped it gain some traction in the hobby. He was also featured in CORAL Magazine at the time as well as many other online and physical publications due to his success with carbon dosing. The systems he has setup have been featured as TOTM on all of the big sites (ReefCentral, Reef2Reef, etc). For a time, he had a coral company up and running, Pro Corals, which released some classic corals such as the PC Rainbow. You may also recall seeing Sunny’s very well-known rimless reef tank. Today Sunny chronicles his reef keeping journey via the website Reefsite.com.