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Hard Core Vore: Feast, Famine, and Sex. (Armin Meiwes)
We embark on a journey through time, unravelling the origins of the Vore fetish, an erotic fascination with consuming or being consumed by another being. We'll also dive into the harrowing case of Armin Meiwes, famously known as the 'Cannibal of Rotenburg.' Unmask the disturbing motivations behind his actions and discover the dark fantasies that drove him to commit unimaginable acts. In addition, we'll examine the shocking case of Kelly Cochran, whose gruesome deeds have captivated the public's attention.Throughout the episode, we'll shed light on the historical link between cannibalism and times of famine, as well as the cultural shock surrounding this taboo practice despite its widespread occurrence throughout history. Uncover the deep-rooted psychological and sociological implications behind such extreme behaviors.We'll also explore the inherent dangers of cannibalism, including the notorious Kuru disease, which has left a haunting legacy. Discover the impact of Kuru on specific communities and the devastating consequences of consuming human brain tissue.Prepare for gripping storytelling, meticulous research, and insightful analysis as we navigate the darkest corners of the human psyche. Follow Making Fun of Dead People on your favorite podcast platform to join our community of inquisitive minds.Visit our website www.makingfunofdeadpeople.com , check out our blog, more bonus content coming. Please $upport the show if you can, click the website link.Remember, this episode is not for the faint-hearted. Listener discretion is advised.