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Harvesting from the Heart with Farm to School
In this episode of The S-Files, we are exploring the service done by AmeriCorps member Peyton Keith, who is serving with Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction AmeriCorps Farm to School at the Bayfield School District, where she herself graduated from high school having grown up in a tribal community just outside of Bayfield. Peyton discusses the nutrition and gardening lessons and field trips she has done the first few months of this school year with the students she serves, a large majority of whom are tribal members, including the cultural connections they make during their activities. She describes working with her students to harvest items out of their school garden, their aquaponics system, and a field trip to gather wild rice and how they have used these items and other local produce to create pizzas, apple cider, apple chips, and other items for nutrition lessons. Peyton also discusses connections that have been made with local farmers, including having them sharing information with her students and getting more locally sourced items into the school meal program. Listen to learn how Peyton is making a difference in her local community and the plans she has for future activities inside and outside the classroom to continue making connections with her students.