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He Was Married 4 Times! (Mental Health Counselor Kevin) | O Lala! (In the Dungeon) S2 #1
Welcome to ~SEASON 2~ of O Lala (In the Dungeon)! We've recently had a few changes to the pod and thought it was best to declare that we are in a new season of our show. Lee will sadly not be co-hosting the pod with us anymore. We are so grateful for all of the hard work, time, and money he spent on making the show great. We have moved our dungeon studio to Liz's house and her husband Matt (aka Big Daddy Shumate) will now be our new dungeon master. We also now have a dungeon dog joining us: the one, the only, Boudreaux! 🐩Today’s guest was the guest of another guest that we had on. Remember the Goth episode? Well today, we are interviewing Karin’s friend Kevin who was there during her episode. Kevin is a 50 year old Richmond native. He’s had many life adventures, specifically 4 marriages and several jobs. He wound up becoming a mental health professional and a single man which he feels is where is belongs in life. He was led into his field by his own issues with panic and depression as well as the mental health struggles of others in his life. He is very passionate about working with people who struggle with mental health as well as cooking and grillin' out, music, songwriting, baseball, and of course, CRAFT BEER! He is also the proud PAPA BEAR 🐻 of his 16 year old daughter. Today we will talk about DIVORCE DIVORCE DIVORCE and the craziness of working in the mental health field.Mental Health Support:Richmond Behavioral Health AuthorityHenrico County Mental HealthNAMIThriveworksBetter HelpMental Health WarmlineSuicide Hotline - dial 988~*Our local restaurant recommendations of the week*~Tokyo Sushi - our suggestion: The Ichiban Roll with a cold Sapporo or a white wineLiberty Public House - our suggestion: The South of Philly with chicken, hot or the AC Smash with shoestring fries and the Morning Mule cocktailOur Sponsors:Coastal Spritz 🥂Maya's Belly Dancing 💃Shoutouts:The Great American RanchDouble Down band