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Healing ADHD with Sasha Blejec
Imagine being constantly misdiagnosed and misunderstood. Struggling to manage your focus and time, hiding your struggles just to survive in your professional life - sounds challenging, doesn't it? Today, we're peeling back the layers on mental health with our guest, Sasha Blejec, an award-winning creative director and an avid gardener. Sasha's tale of resilience in the face of ADHD and mental health challenges is nothing short of inspiring. She shares how her interactions with the pharmaceutical industry and changes in her diet impacted her mental health journey and shed light on controversial theories related to the medical industry and viruses. We also delve into the power of dietary choices and their impacts on mental and physical health. So, tune in, and let Sasha's inspiring journey enlighten and motivate you toward your own path of self-healing.Who is Sasha:<br />She is a NYC creative who finds it creepy when people write glowing, third-person narratives about themselves. She is also a Badass Copywriter who has worked at a bunch of great, New York Ad Agencies in the past decade, from lean, mean shops like Deutsch and Cliff Freeman and Partners to big, shiny ones like JWT.Mostly, she likes coming up with Smart Ideas, and recently orchestrated the first television premiere on Twitter, wrote the first multipart Instagram series, and just finished development on a full Brand Platform for a fledgling media powerhouse. Sasha's currently available as a Gun for Hire both on-site and remote, and is looking to beat her 9 for 9 Pitch Record as either a Power Couple or a Lone Shark depending on your needs. She divides her time between Putting Out Fires in Brooklyn and developing a small Permaculture Farm in Neversink, NY. Learn more and connect with Sasha:<br />Web: https://www.sashasashasasha.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sashacreative/Email: sblejec@gmail.com Episode highlights: [2:44] Living with ADHD and overcoming challenges[10:56] Uncovering mental health and healing journey[20:39] Vegetarian's dietary journey[28:10] Copper toxicity and its health impact[41:42] Modern medicine and birth control issues[51:02] Impacts of medication and dietary choices[1:01:30] Personal healing and journey of progress[1:07:38] Healing and weight loss journey[1:16:07] Having a supportive partner in your health journey is a blessing[1:30:02] Outro _____Reach out to CaitlinEmail: hello@caitlinpyle.com