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How Can You Protect Your Child's Future Fertility with Lucy Lines | Episode 109
TW: This episode mentions pregnancy loss. If this is not something you feel you should listen to today please skip this episode and listen to one of our previous episodes on Fertility Friendly Food! If you need support, please seek the advice of your GP or contact The Pink Elephant Support Network.<br/><br/>Ever wondered if your fertility concerns may be inherited by your child? A question I personally get semi-regularly in our virtual clinic at The Dietologist.<br/><br/>We're thrilled to welcome back Lucy Lines, the Embryologist and Fertility Educator behind Two Lines Fertility, for her second appearance on the show. Get ready for more eye-opening insights from Lucy as she shares her expertise once again.<br/><br/>We explore the contrasts between women's fertility in the 1980s and the present day, attributable to the escalating presence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals.<br/><br/>We discuss common products that we and our children come into contact with, often oblivious to their potential impacts on fertility.<br/><br/> No matter your fertility status, this podcast is meant for everyone. After all, the WHO strongly advocates for enhancing pre-conception health, given its far-reaching impact that extends across generations. <br/><br/>Want to ask us a question and have it answered on the podcast? Ask Us Here!<br/>Want to be a community guest and share your story on the podcast? Apply HereHere’s what I mentioned in the episode:To connect further with Lucy Lines you can find her on Instagram.Listen to our previous episode with Lucy - How Do Everyday Toxins Affect Fertility? With Lucy Lines Embryologist | Episode 34Listen to Pre-conception Nutrition 101 - Episode 3Read our blog Why You Need to Be Thinking About Your Pre-conception Nutrition NowRead more about Pre-conception Nutrition: The BasicsLooking for more?Download our FREE pre-conception lifestyle checklistWant to work with us 1-on-1? Fill in this quick formFollow us on Instagram @the_dietologist or @endo.dietitianDance with us on TikTok @the_dietologistLearn about us and our services at The Dietologist here: thedietologist.com.auDisclaimer: The information presented in this podcast is not to be replaced by personalised medical or dietetic advice, please speak to your health care professional before making any diet or lifestyle changes. The Dietologist and its guests do not accept any liability for any harm or damages that occur from following any of the suggestions in these podcast episodes.