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How Does Our Understanding of Repentance Affect our Faith & Doubts? (Faith & Doubts Pt. 6)
When the average person on the street in North America hears the word "repent", what does that word mean to them? How does this cultural understanding of the word "repent" affect their sense of faith and doubt? What did Jesus mean when he invited people to repent and how might this invitation be helpful to our sense of faith and doubt? Credits & Sources:Adam Grant, Robert Sapolsky, Jonathon Haidt, Richard Beck, Paul Rozin, Erving Goffman, Debra Hirsh, Mark Baker, Austin Fischer, Brian Zahnd, Peter Enns, Moises Silva, Greg Boyd, and Robert Cialdini.For more information or to support this podcast visit www.netartsfriends.org(6/4/23)
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