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How Ironman Triathlon Makes You a Better Investor with Jonathan Nichols
Join us in this episode as we sit down with Jonathan Nichols, a real estate investor local to the DFW metroplex. He began his REI career after working for almost ten years in the aerospace engineering industry as a propulsion engineer, where he analyzed and integrated turboshaft engines on helicopter platforms. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Aerospace Engineering from Texas A&M and Virginia Polytechnical Institute. He and his wife Paula began their investing journey in 2018 and have undertaken numerous projects before forming their multifamily investing company Apogee Capital in 2019. His past real estate projects include a 75-unit A-class apartment complex in College Station, TX, as a GP, two 100+ unit complexes in the Tulsa MSA as a GP, an 8-unit apartment to STR conversation in Arlington, TX, as a GP, and almost 1000 units investing as an LP.Additionally, he has numerous residential real estate investments, including a 20+ unit short-term rental business in the Arlington Entertainment District. Known as a person with a high work ethic, Jonathan enjoys helping others to achieve their goals (financial or otherwise). Outside of work, he enjoys spending his time racing in Ironman triathlons and traveling with his wife. Jonathan shares his journey into real estate investing, including his early struggles with a negative cash-flowing fourplex and how he turned it around with short-term rentals. Along the way, they discuss the importance of accurate financial analysis in real estate investing and the value of having a partner in the investing journey. And, of course, they share their favorite ice cream flavors and debate overrated and underrated desserts. Show Highlights:✅ Who is Jonathan?✅Journey into real estate✅Mistake in business ✅Short-term rental portfolio✅Master Lease and Arbitrage ✅Current activities in short-term rentals ✅Reasons to switch to multifamily ✅Why passive investing ✅401K vs IRA ✅Future plans ✅Triathlon Journey ✅Iron Man's impact ✅Book recommendation ✅Everyday habits ✅Best advice ✅Biggest pride ✅Inspirational person ✅Ways to connect Jonathan 🤝 Connect with our Guest:Website: https://www.apogeemfc.comLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-nichols45/
👉 Books: Dream Big: Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It https://www.amazon.com/Dream-Big-Youre-Going-About/dp/1400219493
❗ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW ❗ ✅ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT31EMqyCfDMDTy9wLTQ82g
___Ice Cream with Investors was built on the idea that personal growth directly correlates to financial growth. Whether you want to cultivate wealth or well-being, the first step is reframing your mind.
On our weekly podcast, we sit down with successful investors to learn how they strengthen their mindset muscles and make their money go to work for them. We help our listeners gain confidence, nix negative thinking, and drive life-long change through alternative investments.
Because in a world that’s more pessimistic than not, it’s up to us to seek out the good. And what’s more feel-good than ice cream?___
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