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How to Create a VIP Experience For Your Clients and Customers with Swire Ho
About Swire Ho:Born and raised in Hong Kong, Swire immigrated to Los Angeles in 1996. He is a proud Chinese American who speaks Cantonese, Mandarin and English. He trained as a sound engineer, working at recording studios and entertainment agencies before starting his own firm, Hellman Production, Inc, 2003 in Los Angeles. Swire and his team successfully produced attractive, personalized DVD and CD cases and custom merchandise like T-shirts, earning a Score award in 2009, for small business success. His business eventually grew so popular, he decided to sell Hellman Production in 2013 to focus exclusively on the promotional product industry. Government Certifications LSBE, WBE, DBE, MBE, SBE Swire is a proud SFG1 certified kettlebell instructor from #StrongFirst. He finds calmness through yoga, organic gardening, and enjoys being in nature. In today's episode:The honeymoon (and job) is overPerseverance and 100 calls per dayFinding your target audienceA new perspective on the “4-Day Work Week”Your top 10Selecting the right giftsTying your hobbies and passions to your business Connect with Swire:Free Holiday Gift Guide https://www.garudapromo.com/20....22-corporate-holiday http://www.garudapromo.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/garudapromo/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/garudapromoTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/Garuda_SwireLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sw....ire-ho-thepromoguy-6 https://www.pinterest.com/garudapromo/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Garudapromo88/videos Connect with Kim:https://www.kimberlylebbing.com/https://www.facebook.com/kimberlylebbing/https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberlylebbing/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh8ajzKuNrH7hI0d_nwtVnQ Audio and show notes by Premier Podcast Promotions