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How To Manage Your Freelance Finances | With Jamie Windell
Welcome to Episode 17 of Webflail with Jamie Windell.<br/><br/>He is the founder of Khula Design Studio (an official Webflow Partner) based in Canada, though he has a remote team. Jamie is a beast at the operations side of running an agency after experience as an account manager and then a traffic manager.The three failures Jamie talks about in this episode are:1) Fear of failure2. Failing to keep track of your financials3. Failing to ask for help<br/><br/>THE ULTIMATE GUIDE<br/>Jamie has just released THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR RUNNING A WEBFLOW FREELANCE BUSINESS<br/><br/>This includes:50 page document that covers how to build your personal brand, win more clients, pitch Webflow and create an astonishing client experience.A coaching call with Jamie to ask questions in more depthDownloadable costing sheet and email templatesGet the guide at 20% off today using the code WEBFLAIL20 at checkout<br/>https://www.khula.studio/product/ultimate-webflow-guide<br/>CONNECT WITH JAMIE<br/>📬 See their website: https://www.khula.studio/ <br/>🐦 Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiewindell/<br/><br/>CONNECT WITH WEBFLAIL<br/>📬 Subscribe to the newsletter: https://www.webflail.com/newsletter<br/>🐦 Connect on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JackRedley1<br/><br/>SAY THANKS<br/>💜 Leave a review on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...<br/>💜 Leave a rating on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5834...<br/>💜 Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/infoHg<br/><br/>🖥 CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE!<br/>https://www.webflail.com/