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How to overcome adversity when so much is out of your control with Michael Kascsak
Get ready to level up your talent acquisition game!In our latest episode, we have an incredible guest, Michael Kascsak — an Analytical and client-focused Talent Acquisition leader with over 20 years of experience. Join us as we dive into their journey of developing and executing high-level corporate initiatives, enhancing operational performance, and gaining a competitive edge. Whether you're a business owner, a talent acquisition leader, or simply passionate about this field, this episode is a goldmine of insights. Don't miss out—tune in now and take your talent acquisition strategies to new heights! 00:00 - Intro
00:45 - Why this topic?
01:45 - Access denied.
02:23 - 24 hours of Why me. Setting a timeline then it’s time to get my mind right.
02:48 - Don’t get caught up in the emotion.
03:37 - I am going to embrace this adversity.
04:55 - Leaned on my circle to vent my frustrations.
06:15 - How did this shift your outlook?
07:20 - As a candidate, my eyes are wide open now to the entire experience.
08:01 - You have to meet people where they are. You have to have empathy.
09:32 - How do you not attach your success and identity to a company?
10:15 - It’s not your company, you work for the company.
14:39 - You can love a business or a company, but it does not love you back.
16:23 - Have people you trust and can share your raw emotions with.=
18:02 - Every time you think about something negative that can happen, you immediately need to think of something positive.
25:37 - Broke-to-boss tip - there is something compelling about being yourself.