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How To Stop Procrastination + Get Sh*t Done (Soulfully) with Carmen Marshall (Part 1)
Episode 13 is all about how to stop procrastinating and get the important stuff done!Do you procrastinate or never seem to get through your to-do list? Do you wish you had a magic wand that would either change you into a non-procrastinator or just get everything done for you?Procrastination plagues us all – occasionally or consistently. It has a huge impact on how we feel, and therefore how we show up in the world – our vibration, frequency, and personal magnetism. It’s also one of the biggest energy vampires for our life force and affects our ability to ease-fully manifest. And, in order to create a life we love, we have to take aligned, soulful action (aka get stuff done!)In next week’s episode, I’m going to share the exact process I use to nix procrastination and get the important things done, but today’s episode is all about the energetics of procrastination and the beliefs that hold us back: Why we procrastinate, our fears + how to step into our courage. What we cover:The importance of alignment Journal prompts to decide if a task/project is still aligned for youThe difference between fear or an excuse The 4 fears every human hasHow to re-frame your fearsHow to stop taking things personally The importance of walking to the beat of your own drumStepping into your courage to create a life you love<br/>I’m always most interested what’s under the hood – what’s truly running the show. This episode will help you understand procrastination, the importance of alignment, and how to recognize and re-frame your fears.Most importantly it will help you step into the courage it takes to live a life you love – and become your own magic wand.Let’s dive in.Head to https://www.carmenmarshall.com/13 for this Episode’s Show Notes!Take the Soul Craft Quiz: https://www.CarmenMarshall.com/quizFollow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carmen_marshallFor all my current offers: https://linktr.ee/carmenmarshall Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love the Soul Craft Your Life Podcast!" -- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/....podcast/soul-craft-y helps me support more people -- just like you -- create a magical and fulfilling life. Click on this link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/....podcast/soul-craft-y scroll to the bottom, and tap to rate with five stars. (If on a computer, click on “Listen On Apple Podcasts” before scrolling down.)