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How you can access 18 million aussies
In this episode, I've got statistician and marketing gem Becky Fix as she's known by her friends and clients, her knack for the technical ins and outs of various platforms is what has gotten her this nickname.<br/><br/>Today I am picking Bec's brain on the stats around social media.<br/><br/>In this episode we discuss:The potential of Facebook as a marketing powerhouse and how to leverage its substantial Australian audience to your advantageChat through the relevance of LinkedIn and its benefits for professional connectivity and the establishment of thought leadershipDiscuss the privacy issues plaguing social media platforms and their underlying impact on marketers and end usersDetermine the ideal social media platforms that align perfectly with your business objectives and audience preferences. <br/>Known as BeckyFix not only because my technical background but because she focuses on the set-up and back-end workings of the various platforms and also because she is known to “fight the good fight” against Meta when our client’s business account is shut down or hacked.<br/><br/>From Bec working as a sole trader with two contract content managers, House of Social has grown to become a full-service digital marketing agency. <br/><br/>Together with her business partner, Melanie, they are able to offer a wide scope of services encompassing marketing, website development, social media management and a range of digital marketing activities. <br/><br/>Backed by a team of content managers, SEO specialists, graphic designers, copywriters, marketing strategists, web developers and more, we cover all your digital marketing needs under one roof.<br/><br/>houseofsocial.com.auDOWNLOAD MY CONTENT PLANNER<br/><br/>Instagram @bec_chappell<br/>LinkedIn – Bec Chappell <br/>If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.<br/><br/>How to work with me:<br/>1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation <br/>2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders<br/>3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation<br/>4. Get me on your podcast<br/><br/>This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative