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ICYMI: The Easy Digital Detox You Need To Reconnect With Yourself, with Nina Purewal
Welcome to today’s ICYMI, where we kick off the week with a quick game-changing tip from one of our guests that you might have missed. If you find yourself checking your phone first thing in the AM, mindlessly doom-scrolling through TikTok at night, or overwhelmed by the constant influx of notifications, it may be time to consider a digital detox. Today, we’re throwing it back to our episode with mindfulness expert, Nina Purewalm, for some simple and practical tips on how we can all unplug from the digital distractions in our lives and reconnect with the things that matter most.Nina has been studying mindfulness and meditation for over 20 years. She's the co-author of the bestselling book, Let That Sh*t Go, and the owner of Pure Minds, a company that runs mindfulness workshops for the public and corporate sectors. So sit back, unplug, and get ready to let that sh*t go!Listen to our full episode with Nina here.Tune in every Monday for an expert dose of life advice in under 10 minutes.For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.caSign up for our monthly adulting newsletter:teachmehowtoadult.ca/newsletter Follow us on the ‘gram:instagram.com/teachmehowtoadultmedia @yunggillianaire@cailynmichaanFollow Nina:pureminds.ca/@nina.pure.minds