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ICYMI: Why You Need To Create A Pleasure Practise This Week, with Portia Brown
Welcome to today’s ICYMI, where we kick off the week with a quick game-changing tip from one of our guests that you might have missed. This week, we're throwing it back to a juicyyyy conversation with Portia Brown, a sex coach and educator. Tune in as we discuss how to take self-care to the next level by creating a pleasure practice, AKA a ritual that allows you to tune into your mind and body. This inspiring conversation will motivate you to start prioritizing pleasure in your daily routine because you deserve it!Portia is the founder of Portia Brown Coaching, a website, social media platform and coaching practice that helps women find their power through pleasure. Her expansive sex coaching methods help women tap into mindfulness and ritual to help them reconnect with themselves. She’s been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Glamour UK, and podcasts such as “Doing It” with Hannah Witton, and “Am I Making You Uncomfortable” from Huffington Post.Listen to our full episode with Portia here.Tune in every Monday for an expert dose of life advice in under 10 minutes.For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.caSign up for our monthly adulting newsletter:teachmehowtoadult.ca/newsletter Follow us on the ‘gram:instagram.com/teachmehowtoadultmedia instagram.com/yunggillianaire/instagram.com/cailynmichaan/Follow Portia:portiabrowncoaching.com/@portiabrowncoaching