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If You Wanna Be The Man, You Gotta BE The Man W/ Adrian Smalls
Host Chaz Wolfe brings on Adrian Smalls, a 7+ figure king in the real estate industry. Adrian is the CEO and Founder at Real Estate Capital Exchange, Founder of Off4er, and Principal at HL Smalls Construction & Development out of South Carolina. Adrian went from pulling the trigger on his first deal in 2014, to building his company past the 7 figure mark. With over 15 years of experience, Adrian doesn’t just close the deal - he ensures his customers get the best value. In this episode, Chaze and Adrian talk about micro victories leading to big wins, how mistakes can be expensive education, and Adrian’s 20-second rule on decision-making. Get fired up as you tune in to learn from Adrian’s powerhouse approach to business, so you can grow yours past 7 figures today! During this episode, you will learn about;
[01:22] Intro to Adrian and his business[02:24] How Adrian got into real estate[04:40] Why Adrian continues to push[07:59] A bad decision Adrian made[11:14] How Adrian rose above his bad decision[14:51] A good decision Adrian made[18:14] Adrian’s approach to decision-making[21:10] Adrian’s one trackable metric[23:29] What book does Adrian recommend?[24:28] What Adrian thinks of networking[25:36] What would Adrian do if he only had one hour?[27:02] If Adrian lost everything, what would he do?[29:08] How to connect with Adrian[30:06] How to connect with Chaz and info on Gathering The Kings 90 Day Intensive
Notable Quotes
“You just continue to want to grow and get better and evolve. There is no destination.” - Adrian Smalls
“If you don't believe it, it's not gonna happen.” - Adrian Smalls
“When you feel the pain up front, that's when you determine whether you're going to keep going in this business or tap out.” - Adrian Smalls
“If you wanna be the man, you gotta be the man.” - Adrian Smalls
“Confidence is the drug and winning is the dealer.” - Chaz Wolfe (Host)
“Never forget that people are always watching and they're always interviewing.” - Adrian Smalls
“Decisions are everything. Where you are today is based on the decisions that you've made. Period.” - Chaz Wolfe (Host)
“If you can't move fast in a methodical, analytical way, you're gonna choke.” - Adrian Smalls
“We don't wanna just move fast, we wanna move right.” - Adrian Smalls
“If you're missing seven figures, it's all in what you're doing, right? You're not jumping from six to seven because there's something wrong in your process somewhere.” - Adrian Smalls
Books and Resources Recommended:
Traction by Gino Wickmanhttps://www.amazon.com/Traction-Get-Grip-Your-Business/dp/1936661837
The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clasonhttps://www.amazon.com/Richest-Man-Babylon-Magic-Story/dp/1939438632/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1667836410&sr=1-1
Let’s Connect!
Adrian Smalls:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriansmalls/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adrian.smalls.9Instagram: