Improving Your Life While Awake and Asleep With The Amazing Karen Floyd
Have you ever felt lost in life? Have circumstances ever knocked you down and you didn't know how you were going to get up again? Today's guest Coach Karen Floyd has been there and she is going to talk about how she bounced back from tremendous loss.<br/>She is also an expert in dreamwork and took me thorough an amazing process of how our dreams can be used as tools to guide us on our lives. She is an amazing dynamic person and I can't wait to have her back again! She definitely left me wanting more.<br/>You can find out more here <br/>https://coachkarenfloyd.com/ She generously offered to create a FREE dream circle for myself and all my listeners! Please email me Jenajake@me.com or Karen on her website! What an amazing opportunity!<br/>Are you ready to improve your relationship? I am running a fall special I can improve your relationship with one person in 90 min for $499.00 this is a $1000 value!<br/>Take advantage of this offer while it lasts. Email me Jenajake@me.com<br/>I hope you are enjoying fall and everything life has to offer <br/>XO <br/>JJ Support the show