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Influencing Substance Use w/guest, Erin Beckwell.
Social worker, consultant, educator at the University of Regina, and Fierce harm reduction advocate Erin Beckwell is joining us this week to get real about what is happening in this province.We're going to talk about as much as we can and we're going to put her in the hot seat to find out how she really feels about drug policy in Saskatchewan, and how we can move closer to how she would like to see things done.Should it be a free for all?Should illicit substances be regulated the same as alcohol?Or should safe supply even be a thing?You won't want to miss this one friends as we set fire to what you think you know about harm reduction this week right here,On Hard Knox Talks.Buckle up!-------------------This live production is title sponsored by Prairie Harm Reduction. To learn more about PHR and make a donation check out https://prairiehr.ca/<br/> Love what we do? Stay up to date on upcoming live streams, get on our email list, check out our shop, listen to our audios, and more. Click the link to start exploring.<br/>https://linktr.ee/hardknoxtalks