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Interview 546 with Mary Brusse
Mary Brusse is a dynamic and focused business professional with many years of experience in local and international sales and negotiations, Mary has a deep knowledge and expertise of the Downtown Core of Vancouver. She specializes in Yaletown, False Creek, Coal Harbour and City Gate.<br /> More than just a REALTOR®, Mary’s background covers interior design and marketing for condominium developments in Yaletown, False Creek, UBC, West Vancouver and Alberta. In the 80s and 90s, Mary developed her sales and fashion sensibilities as a partner in Fashion Gallery, a highly successful clothing manufacturer. Director of sales and import manager, she travelled frequently to Asia to source fabrics and finished piece goods in addition to developing business contacts and partnerships. This was a natural career progression from her beginnings as a sales and fashion merchandiser for two flourishing fashion businesses in Vancouver; Surrey Classics, and Mr. Jax. These roles immersed her in the regional flavours of Asian culture, art, and design and resulted in a deep understanding and respect for their peoples. Mary has lived in Vancouver all her life, well-positioned to track the ever-changing Vancouver real estate market and participating in the vibrant opportunities this world-class city offers. She understands the need to ‘keep a finger on the pulse’ of the market and can help you find the home of your dreams! Her negotiating skills will help you achieve the best price for the property, no matter which side of the transaction you are on. You can rely on Mary to provide a stress-free experience whether you are relocating from abroad, or are already a Vancouver resident. Her talents and flair for exquisite detail is apparent in every aspect of her service and dedication to her clients. As your REALTOR®, Mary will surpass your expectations with her expertise and exceptional service. Specialties: You've found a home... .<br /> Please subscribe to all The Missing Link platforms you use listed below!! https://rumble.com/user/TMissingLink https://odysee.com/$/invite/@TheMissingLink:8 https://youtube.com/@TheMissingLinkLive https://vigilante.tv/c/themissinglink/videos https://www.facebook.com/tmissinglink https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesse-hal-0494632a Telegram Interviews:<br /> https://t.me/themissinglinkchannel Telegram Chat Group:<br /> https://t.me/themissinglinkjesse Bitchute - The Missing Link Jesse(Love Inspiring New Knowledge)<br /> https://www.bitchute.com/channel/RbrISyW2eX2N/ https://twitter.com/JessMissingLink?t=8R\_30gE7dElBW6MCgT91-w&s=09 The Missing Link supprt is welcome at PayPal.me/HVLT, in Canada by etransfer to webcore8@gmail.com, by sending stars on Facebook, or subscribing to our Facebook $3.99 USD mont