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Interview 547 with Mahmoud Mourra
My name is Mahmoud Mourra<br /> A Lebanese Canadian who came to this country 23 years ago, A father of five kids, I am a business owner.<br /> I have done a lot of volunteering, through our Muslim community and others. .<br /> Please subscribe to all The Missing Link platforms you use listed below!!<br /> https://rumble.com/user/TMissingLink<br /> https://odysee.com/$/invite/@TheMissingLink:8<br /> https://youtube.com/@TheMissingLinkLive<br /> https://vigilante.tv/c/themissinglink/videos<br /> https://www.facebook.com/tmissinglink<br /> https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesse-hal-0494632a<br /> Telegram Interviews:<br /> https://t.me/themissinglinkchannel<br /> Telegram Chat Group:<br /> https://t.me/themissinglinkjesse<br /> Bitchute - The Missing Link Jesse(Love Inspiring New Knowledge)<br /> https://www.bitchute.com/channel/RbrISyW2eX2N/<br /> https://twitter.com/JessMissingLink...<br /> The Missing Link supprt is welcome at PayPal.me/HVLT, in Canada by etransfer to webcore8@gmail.com, by sending stars on Facebook, or subscribing to our Facebook $3.99 USD monthly support.<br /> You can support The Missing Link and get 10% off Cardio Miracle here: https://cardiomiracle.com/discount/TML<br /> By purchasing the best Glutathione on the market from neumi.com/HealTheWorld<br /> Or by getting your own home water filtration system through our website. Sales come up every 2-3 weeks. www.teamalkaviva.com/HealthEworld<br /> You can also support The Missing Link by purchasing an AC50 brown gas hydrogen water machine @ http://eagle-research.com/product/ac50 by entering the code TMLS20 which gives you 5% off your purchase.<br /> And you can order AllicinV at http://www.allicinv.com and put Jesse1 in the ordering instructions box for an extra 1 ml to your order!!