Inviting God Into Your Worry

0 Views· 09/26/23
Overflow With Craig Booker
In Drama

"Knowing who worry is (a liar) and what worry is made of (its anatomy-rooted in fear), we can know our Enemy and his tactics. " [1]"And knowing our Enemy is essential to being able to fight well." [1]"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." [2]"As we continue this journey to become more equipped to win the war on worry, we know our Enemy: his sole purpose is to take us down and steal our joy (John 10:10)."
"We also need to know ourselves; and most importantly, we need to know our God. Because here's the reality: if we don't know God, we won't be able or willing to invite Him into our worry." [1]
"That's a big problem, because the act of inviting God into our worry is one of the most crucial strategies of winning this war." [1]
Going On the Offensive
"It's not enough to call worry out or to break it down and study it. If we want to win this battle, we need to strap on our armor and get ready to go on the offensive." [1]
Our first moveTo surrender our concerns to God in prayer.
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done" Philippians 4:6 NLT

"...Paul wasn't just saying "don't worry." He was giving you an additional offensive step to take. He was encouraging you to invite God into your worry by telling Him everything that's concerning you." [1]
"The word worry in this verse means 'to rip into pieces.' It's the same for the word anxiety in Scripture. Anxiety and worry tear our minds and hearts apart. That's why we have the phrase, 'I was worried to pieces.' Worry turns our peace into pieces." [1]
"God wants us to bring every little piece to Him. That's the first step in how God brings us peace." [1]
Just like Adam and Eve in the garden, our first response when we miss the mark is to hide or run from God.
"We run from God when we need to be running to Him." [1]
1. Don't try and fix worry on your own.You might be stuck in worry and feel like there's no way out. [1]
2. Don't hide from God.You might feel ashamed and embarrassed that you cannot do b

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