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It's Not Your People, It's Your Processes W/ Jake Ingledue
Host Chaz Wolfe brings on Jake Ingledue, a 7+ figure king in the real estate industry. While Jake actively invests in real estate, he is also the owner of a lawn mowing company, owner and CEO of 417 Pest Control, and runs The Growth Circle podcast. Jake’s net worth hit 7 figures before his businesses. In this episode, Chaz and Jake discuss freedom as an entrepreneur, hitting 7 figures in net worth before 7 figures in revenue, how the 1st million is hardest to make, building systems, and blaming the process not the person. Tune in now to find out how to take your business to the next level! During this episode, you will learn about;[01:25] Intro to Jake and his businesses[02:22] Why Jake continues to push[04:31] Jake’s move into entrepreneurship[07:27] A good decision Jake made[10:05] How Jake leverages his other businesses[14:43] A bad decision Jake made[23:16] If Jake could use one trackable metric, what would it be?[26:28] Jake’s book recommendation[27:27] Jake’s thoughts on networking[28:15] What Jake would do with one hour a week[28:48] If Jake lost it all, what would he do?[31:28] How to connect with Jake[32:02] How to connect with Chaz and info on the GTK 90 day intensive
Notable Quotes
“Just because you have an LLC doesn't mean you own a business. A lot of times you own a job and you're working in your business, not on your business.” - Jake Ingledue
“Originate, to delegate, to elevate.” - Jake Ingledue
“Hire slow, fire fast. Do your due diligence. If someone's not a right fit for the culture or you're having some red flags, fire quickly, but hire slow.” - Jake Ingledue
“At some point we realize that people - most people - need to be managed.” - Chaz Wolfe (Host)
“I have found that 99% of the time, if something is not happening or getting done in the workforce, it's not the person, it's the process.” - Jake Ingledue
“If my people are making improvements, not just in the company but in their own personal lives, then I know that my program of developing them is working.” - Jake Ingledue
“Since we've always done it this way, does it have to be done this way going forward, or can it be different? Can we offer some flexibility here? Does that help them grow as an individual?” - Chaz Wolfe (Host)
“If I didn't have the resources and the people that I know, some of the opportunities would not have come.” - Jake Ingledue
“I've realized money's a game. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.” - Jake Ingledue
“I like to see some of these other people try. At least I'm trying, at least I'm putting myself out there. A lot of people aren't even willing to step out in the dark and try.” - Jake Ingledue
Books and Resources Recommended:
Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant by Robert Kiyosakihttps://www.amazon.com/Rich-Dads-CASHFLOW-Quadrant-Financial/dp/1612680054
Professional Failure by Justin Skinnerhttps://www.amazon.com/Professional-Failure-Failures-Better-Yourself/dp/1957048190
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsonhttps://www.amazon.com/Slight-Edge-Turning-Disciplines-Happiness/dp/1626340463
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