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Jan Gets Euthanized(ep.39)
In this episode, Deb and Jan talking about the red door, A24, haters, Twitter Girl's Girl, getting Swiftie, getting euthanized and more.Be sure to like, comment and subscribe! Love you all!!We Don't ExistInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/wedontexistpod/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@wedontexistpodcastEdited by Joseph TorresInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/jose....phchuytorres/YouTube - The Red Door1:21 - A half and full birthday3:08 - A2416:09 - Billy Porter22:12 - Twitter Argument28:45 - Girl's Girl38:06 - Trendsetter51:41 - Jan Gets Euthanized1:02:29 - Media#prayforjanXD
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